Why you should replace your auto glass indoors during the winter months

 In Auto Glass

When you get a chip or crack in your windshield during a Minnesota winter, it’s important to get it fixed quickly. Plastic or hard rubber can become brittle and unreliable in freezing temperatures. Depending on the vehicle, plastic parts may be handled when working with auto glass replacement and cold temperatures put the quality of the work in question.

When doing auto glass replacement in a cold-weather state like Minnesota, it is best to have the service performed inside a heated garage or building as these parts have a better chance of working properly during installation compared to outside in the cold. Technicians working outside in freezing temperatures may also rush through things trying to get back into a warm

Apollo Glass in Buffalo, MN, is a complete mobile glass service company, but also has a heated garage to service vehicles in. During the winter months, we recommend that auto glass be installed indoors so that the products and installers have the best work environment to produce the best result.

No one wants to stand outside in freezing temperatures to replace a windshield. An auto glass installer who works inside a garage during the winter is able to stay warm and comfortable while having all of their tools readily available. They have nothing to worry about except for installing your auto glass properly.

If this is the type of service you’re looking for, give Apollo Glass a call and let us help you along the entire auto glass replacement process. We even offer customers a courtesy car at no charge so they can go on with their day while we fix their glass.

Just give Apollo Glass a call first and we can assist you through the rest of the process. We’ll even handle the insurance claim for you. Call us today at 763-682- 5100 or email us at info@apolloglassinc.com.

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